Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dires are Done!

Finished these guys up last night.

Be interesting to see how the new Bladestorm ability works out.

Next up my Exodite Dire Avengers.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Hornet

Here is my Forge World Eldar Hornet. I was given this as a birthday present 2 years ago and it's been slow going. I let it sit for a while because I wasn't comfortable working with resin. I had to do the boiling water trick to get the big guns to straighten out. I'm hoping to have this ready for the BayCon Model Show this Fall.

The story of this build so far has it's fair share of "Oops!" moments. I primed it grey and when to put a base coat of white to make the colors pop. The white paint had gone off (I also stupidly used Testers Flat White), and it puddled...badly. So I had to dunk it in Simple Green for a day or 2 and clean it off. While trying to gently apply elbow grease to clean the surface I broke off one of the stabilizer fins. Things got better after that. I magnetized it so I can swap out weapons and have reached the point where it's down to detail work.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dire's near completion

Just need a few more details. touch ups and a wash with blue ink and these guys will be ready for seal-coat!

I'm painting this unit (as well as the exodite Dires) to what I like to refer to as the "3ft. Standard" and not "Model Show: standard, meaning they'll look good on the table, but close inspection will not be as rewarding as some of my Aspect Warriors will be.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Starting to finish...again.

With the new Eldar Codex in my hands and a couple of months with extra house guest coming in July, I'm suddenly inspired to take the final steps on all the Eldar units I've almost finished. That way I can take advantage of the local games store's Thursday night WartyK games as an excuse to get out of the temporally crowded house and extra night a week. Pulled out the 2 Dire Avenger squads and started painting belts, gems and accessories. I felt good, now with a freshly clean off hobby table, cleared of all the million of projects clawing for my attention. Next I'll work on my Banshees, then lastly my Dark Reapers.  Oh and the war walkers, ok one step at a time or I'll get overwhelmed.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Here's some pictures of past and current Eldar Projects I'm working on.

My ifirst lighted Wave Serpent

Strking Scorpion Exarch

Exodite Dire Avenger Exarch

The Avatar of Khaine

Lighted Wave Serpent #2

Dire Avnegers

Striking Scorpion Dedicated Wave Serpent

Viper, bought on eBay and reconditioned and painted.